Wednesday, December 27, 2023

David Copperfield - Charles Dickens

This is an iconic novel penned by Charles Dickens, considered a classic in English literature. The book follows the life and adventures of its titular character, David Copperfield, from his birth to adulthood. Here's a review of this timeless masterpiece:

The story is a bildungsroman, a coming-of-age narrative, tracing David Copperfield's life through various stages, from his troubled childhood to his eventual success as a writer. Dickens crafts a rich tapestry of characters, each with their own quirks and complexities, contributing to David's growth and experiences.

The novel touches on various themes, including the struggles of the poor, the impact of industrialisation on society, the significance of friendship, the resilience of the human spirit, and the quest for identity and belonging.

One of the book's strengths lies in its vivid and memorable characters, from the kind-hearted and wise Betsey Trotwood to the enigmatic and villainous Uriah Heep. Each character adds depth and color to the story, making it a captivating read.

Dickens' writing style is renowned for its vivid descriptions, intricate plots, and a blend of humor and pathos. He paints a vivid picture of Victorian England, portraying its social issues and disparities with skilful storytelling.

"David Copperfield" remains relevant today due to its timeless themes and relatable characters. It's a story that transcends its era, resonating with readers across generations.

It is a literary gem that offers not only a compelling narrative but also a reflection of the human condition. Dickens' ability to build a tale that combines heartache, humor, and hope has secured its place as a classic in literature.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Man's search for meaning

This book by Viktor Frankl is a profoundly moving and insightful book that digs into the human experience in the face of extreme suffering. Frankl, a Holocaust survivor and psychiatrist, recounts his experiences in Nazi concentration camps and explores the mental and emotional resilience that enabled some individuals to find meaning and purpose even in the midst of unimaginable hardship.

The book is divided into two parts. The first part details Frankl's personal story of survival, depicting the brutal conditions of the camps and the psychological struggles faced by inmates. Despite these horrors, Frankl observes that those who could find meaning, whether in small moments of joy or in a greater purpose, were often better equipped to endure their circumstances.

The second part introduces Frankl's concept of logotherapy, a psychotherapeutic approach centered around the idea that the primary motivational force for humans is the search for meaning in life. He argues that even in the most dire situations, individuals possess the freedom to choose their attitude towards their circumstances and find meaning, which can provide strength and resilience.

What makes "Man's Search for Meaning" so powerful is its universal message about the human capacity to find purpose and meaning in life, even amidst suffering. It offers valuable insights into the human psyche and provides readers with a perspective that can be applied to various challenges and struggles in life.

It's a thought-provoking and deeply impactful book that encourages reflection on the human condition, resilience, and the pursuit of meaning, making it a timeless and essential read for anyone seeking profound insights into the human experience.

Monday, December 25, 2023

A thousand splendid suns - Khaled Hosseini

A heart rendering and emotionally gripping novel that delves into the lives of two Afghan women, Mariam and Laila, whose lives become intertwined amid the tumultuous backdrop of Afghanistan's history, spanning from the Soviet invasion to the Taliban regime.

The book masterfully intersperses together the personal stories of Mariam and Laila, showcasing their resilience, courage, and the profound bond that develops between them amidst the challenges they face. Hosseini's storytelling mastery vividly portrays the harsh realities of life for Afghan women, addressing themes of oppression, sacrifice, survival, and the enduring strength of the human spirit.

The narrative captures the brutality and hardships faced by women in a war-torn society while also celebrating moments of hope, resilience, and solidarity. Hosseini's evocative prose evokes a range of emotions, from heartache and despair to moments of compassion and love.

The characters are intricately developed, allowing readers to empathize deeply with their struggles and triumphs. The book's emotional depth and powerful storytelling shed light on the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity, leaving a lasting impact on readers.

It is a moving and powerful narrative that sheds light on the often-overlooked experiences of Afghan women, offering a compelling and sorrowful portrayal of their strength, endurance, and the enduring power of hope and friendship amid challenging circumstances.

Some powerful quotes that I noted

  1. "Of all the hardships a person had to face, none was more punishing than the simple act of waiting."

  2. "Like a compass needle that points north, a man's accusing finger always finds a woman."

  3. "One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs, or the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls."

  4. "She remembered Nana saying once that each snowflake was a sigh heaved by an aggrieved woman somewhere in the world."

  5. "You see, some things I can teach you. Some you learn from books. But there are things that, well, you just have to see and feel."

  6. "Miriam wished for so much in those final moments. Yet as she closed her eyes, it was not regret any longer but a sensation of abundant peace that washed over her."

  7. "Laila wondered if this was what hope felt like, a tingling in the chest, a catch in the breath, a hollow feeling around the gut, like a flare of warmth under the skin."

Seven Years in Tibet - Movie

This is a cinematic adaptation of the memoir by Heinrich Harrer, depicting his experiences in Tibet during the years preceding World War II.

The film follows Harrer, played by Brad Pitt, an Austrian mountaineer who, after escaping a British internment camp in India, embarks on an arduous journey to Tibet, where he befriends the young Dalai Lama and becomes an influential figure in his life.

The movie beautifully captures the stunning landscapes of Tibet and offers a glimpse into its rich culture and traditions. It portrays Harrer's personal transformation, from a self-centered adventurer to a compassionate and enlightened individual influenced by his encounters with the Tibetan people and their spiritual leader.

Brad Pitt's performance and the cinematography received praise for effectively conveying the emotional depth of Harrer's journey and the cultural nuances of Tibet. Additionally, the film delves into themes of friendship, cultural exchange, and the clash between Western and Eastern ideologies.

This is an aesthetically stunning film that offers a captivating portrayal of a Westerner's transformative journey in Tibet and the profound impact of his friendship with the Dalai Lama. While it may take creative liberties with historical accuracy, it remains a compelling story that introduces audiences to the beauty and spirituality of Tibetan culture.

Schindler's List - Thomas Keneally

This book by Thomas Keneally is a powerful and harrowing historical novel based on the true story of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved the lives of over a thousand Jewish refugees during the Holocaust. The novel chronicles Schindler's transformation from a profit-seeking industrialist to a compassionate saviour who used his factory as a haven for Jews, risking his life to protect them from the horrors of the Nazi regime.

Keneally's writing portrays the atrocities of the Holocaust with vivid detail and emotional resonance, depicting the brutality faced by the Jewish population and the profound acts of heroism that emerged during one of humanity's darkest periods. The narrative highlights the complexities of human nature, from the cruelty of the Nazi regime to the compassion and sacrifice exhibited by individuals like Schindler.

The book is an emotionally impactful and deeply moving account that sheds light on the horrors of the Holocaust while celebrating the courage and humanity of those who fought against it. Keneally's storytelling creates a haunting and unforgettable portrayal of the resilience of the human spirit amid unimaginable suffering.

"Schindler's List" is a poignant and significant work that serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of compassion, empathy, and standing up against injustice, making it a vital piece of literature that continues to resonate with readers worldwide.

Twillight - Stephenie Meyer

"Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer is a young adult paranormal romance novel that captivated readers (including me) globally, particularly teenagers, with its intriguing blend of romance, fantasy, and supernatural elements. The story centers on Bella Swan, a teenage girl who moves to the small town of Forks, Washington, and discovers the mysterious and enigmatic Edward Cullen, who turns out to be a vampire.

Meyer's writing style creates an immersive experience, drawing readers into Bella's world and the complexities of her relationships, especially her intense and forbidden romance with Edward. The book presents a romanticized depiction of vampires, focusing on the love story between Bella and Edward while exploring themes of love, identity, and sacrifice.

The novel gained immense popularity for its engrossing narrative, engaging storyline, and the emotional depth of the characters. It sparked a cultural phenomenon, leading to a successful series of books, film adaptations, and a devoted fanbase.

However, opinions about the book vary widely. While some readers adore the romantic allure, the mysterious vampire lore, and the emotional depth, others critique its narrative pacing, character development, or the portrayal of an intense, borderline obsessive relationship.

Overall, "Twilight" is a polarizing yet influential book that resonates strongly with its target audience, leaving an indelible mark on young adult literature and pop culture, shaping the perception of vampires in contemporary fiction and inspiring a legion of devoted fans.

Tuesdays with Mory


Tuesdays with Morrie is a profoundly moving memoir by Mitch Albom that delves into the life lessons learned from Albom's former college professor, Morrie Schwartz, who is battling ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), a debilitating illness.

The book is a heartfelt exploration of the human experience, capturing the essence of compassion, friendship, and the importance of embracing life's simple pleasures.

Albom reconnects with Morrie in the final months of his life, sparking a series of conversations held on Tuesdays that delve into profound topics such as love, death, family, forgiveness, and the meaning of life. Through Morrie's wisdom and life-affirming outlook, readers are taken on an emotional journey that prompts deep introspection about their own lives.

The book is beautifully written, with poignant and thought-provoking passages that resonate with readers on a personal level. It's an inspiring narrative that encourages reflection on what truly matters in life, urging readers to cherish relationships, live authentically, and find meaning amidst life's challenges.

Albom's storytelling style and Morrie's timeless wisdom make "Tuesdays with Morrie" a touching and impactful read, offering invaluable insights into the human condition and leaving a lasting impression on its audience.

Great Expectations - Charles Dinkens

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens is a classic novel that delves into themes of social class, ambition, identity, and personal growth.

Dickens' narrative prowess shines in this novel through his vivid characters and intricate plot. The story follows Pip, an orphan raised by his sister and her husband, as he encounters various eccentric characters and navigates through life's challenges. The chance encounter with an escaped convict sets off a chain of events that alters Pip's life trajectory, leading him from his humble beginnings to the high society of London.

One of the captivating elements of "Great Expectations" is its exploration of Pip's moral development. The novel portrays his growth from a naïve, impressionable boy to a more mature man who gains self-awareness and understands the true values of life. Throughout the story, Dickens masterfully weaves themes of ambition, love, loyalty, and the complexities of human nature.

The characters in Great Expectations are memorable and diverse, ranging from the enigmatic Miss Havisham to the loyal friend Joe. Each character adds depth and contributes to the rich tapestry of the narrative, making the novel a compelling read.

Moreover, Dickens' social commentary on Victorian society is prevalent throughout the book. He critiques the rigid class structure, the influence of wealth and status, and the moral decay that often accompanies ambition.

The novel's atmospheric descriptions, engaging plot twists, and Dickens' ability to create a world that feels both vividly real and fantastical make Great Expectations a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers across generations.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

King Solomon's Mines - H Rider Haggard

This is one of the oldest written books I've read after Jane Austen and Charles Dickens. Though its as old as it is, it has not stopped me from enjoying its adventures as any Dan Brown book.

It takes readers on a journey to the uncharted heart of Africa. First published in 1885, this timeless tale has captivated generations with its enthralling plot, vivid descriptions, and memorable characters.

The story follows the protagonist, Allan Quatermain, a seasoned hunter and explorer, who is hired by Sir Henry Curtis to lead an expedition into the unknown African wilderness in search of his lost brother. Along with a diverse group of companions, including the enigmatic Sir Henry and the brave Captain Good, Quatermain embarks on a perilous quest to find the legendary diamond mines of King Solomon.

Haggard's writing style is immersive and evocative, transporting readers to a time and place filled with danger, mystery, and ancient legends. The vivid descriptions of the African landscape, its wild beauty and harsh realities, are exceptionally well-rendered. From dense jungles to treacherous rivers, the author skillfully brings the setting to life, creating a palpable sense of adventure and discovery.

The characters in "King Solomon's Mines" are both memorable and believable. Quatermain, with his rugged charm and practicality, serves as a relatable guide through the story. His companions are equally intriguing, each with their own unique traits and motivations. The interactions and camaraderie among the group add depth to the narrative, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared peril.

One of the novel's strengths lies in its gripping plot. As the expedition progresses, the tension builds steadily, keeping readers on the edge of their seats. The book is a true page-turner, with unexpected twists and turns that keep the reader guessing. Haggard expertly combines elements of adventure, exploration, and suspense, culminating in a climactic finale that satisfies the thirst for resolution.

While it is an exciting adventure novel, it is important to note that it was written during a time when colonialism and racial stereotypes were prevalent. Some aspects of the story may be problematic from a modern perspective. However, it is essential to approach the book with historical context and appreciate it as a product of its time.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Once you've lived in the mountains - Ruskin Bond

The book is structured as a series of vignettes, each offering a glimpse into Bond's life and his deep connection with nature. He beautifully captures the serene beauty, the rhythm of life, and the subtle nuances of the mountainous region. His prose is simple, yet evocative, transporting readers to the picturesque valleys, lush forests, and snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas. 

One of the highlights of Bond's writing is his ability to infuse his stories with a sense of nostalgia and gentle humor. He weaves together tales of his encounters with the local people, the flora and fauna, and the joys and challenges of living in the mountains. 

In this book, Bond's deep appreciation for nature and his keen observations shine throughout. His love for the mountains is evident in every page, and his descriptions of the changing seasons, the sounds of the forest, and the tranquility of the hills are both poetic and enchanting. Readers are transported into a world where the beauty of nature is celebrated and its importance emphasised.

It's worth noting that the book's structure, consisting of loosely connected anecdotes, might not suit those seeking a linear or plot-driven narrative. "Once You've Lived in the Mountains" is more about immersing oneself in the atmosphere and emotions evoked by the Himalayan landscape rather than following a traditional story arc.

"Once You've Lived in the Mountains" is a delightful and introspective collection of Ruskin Bond's experiences and musings. It offers a charming glimpse into a world where nature reigns supreme and the mountains hold stories within their folds. Bond's lyrical prose and his ability to capture the essence of the mountains make this book a must-read for those who appreciate the beauty of the natural world and seek a meditative escape to the serene heights of the Himalayas.

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austin

At its core, "Pride and Prejudice" tells the story of Elizabeth Bennet, an intelligent and spirited young woman, and her encounters with Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, a wealthy and reserved gentleman. The novel delves into the intricacies of social class, marriage, and the expectations placed upon individuals during this period. Austen's sharp social commentary is skillfully interwoven with her character development, creating a compelling narrative that draws readers in from the very first page.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Austen's writing is her ability to create vivid and multi-dimensional characters. Elizabeth Bennet shines as a protagonist who defies societal expectations and remains true to her convictions. Her wit and intelligence make her an engaging and relatable character, while Mr. Darcy's transformation from a seemingly aloof figure to a vulnerable and passionate man is both satisfying and heartwarming.

Author's skillful use of irony and satire adds depth and humor to the story. Through her clever dialogue and narrative voice, she subtly critiques the societal conventions of her time, particularly the emphasis on wealth and social status. The interactions between the characters are filled with subtle wordplay and layered meanings, making for delightful reading that rewards attentive readers.

Author's exploration of themes such as pride, prejudice, and the consequences of hasty judgments remains relevant to this day. The novel encourages readers to reflect on the dangers of making assumptions based on first impressions, highlighting the importance of overcoming preconceived notions and embracing personal growth and self-awareness.

Book is in its universal themes, memorable characters, and Austen's unparalleled wit make it an essential read for any lover of classic literature. Whether you are a long-time fan or discovering this novel for the first time, prepare to be enchanted by Austen's remarkable storytelling and to fall in love with Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy all over again.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

False Impression - Jeffrey Archer


I happened to falsely pick this book to read on an over night journey. The plot is about an art piece from Van Gogh - Self portrait with bandaged ear. The detail of art is plenty. There is a protagonist - Anna Petrescu that is praised by everyone for no heroic reason. There is a villain who loots the art collections of royal families by over lending them money and making them bankrupt. Anna and her friend - Tina are on mission to hand over this villain to the cops and they succeed. 

The other details are too many and too irrelevant. For eg: Anna wears a certain dress on a certain day. The reader is awaiting to have a connection of this fact somewhere in the plot. But there is no mention. Most of the book is like this. 

Personally I tried hard to finish the pages. Plot is weak and the characters lack motive for their actions. Well.. why would someone take  mountainous effort to cross borders and reach out to someone to just alert of an impending danger when she herself is stuck in 9/11 WTC building collapse?.  Jack - who had always been investigating the Fenston drama has no good inputs in the whole tale. What is he meant for?. 

Wrong pick really. Sorry for the bad review and its really my view. 

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Holcroft covenant - Robert Ludlum

The Holcroft Covenant is a thriller novel written by Robert Ludlum. The story revolves around a man named Noel Holcroft, who discovers that his father, a high-ranking Nazi official, has left him a mysterious legacy. In order to claim the inheritance, Noel must fulfill a covenant, which involves using the money to compensate the victims of the Holocaust.

However, Noel soon discovers that he is not the only one searching for the inheritance. A group of former Nazis, known as the "Fourth Reich," are also seeking the money to fund their resurgence. With the help of a woman named Helden von Tiebolt, Noel must race against time to fulfill the covenant and prevent the Fourth Reich from carrying out their plans.

The novel is filled with suspense, action, and intrigue, and explores themes of guilt, redemption, and the legacy of the Holocaust. Personally it felt like a marathon I am running during the time I read the book. Usual to the Robert Ludlum theme, the protogonist is always on the run and have someone always following him. An enjoyable ride if you love fast paced story line and Robert Ludlum. 

Saturday, February 4, 2023

ಅರಮನೆ ಗುಡ್ಡದ ಕರಾಳ ರಾತ್ರಿಗಳು - ಗಿರಿಮನೆ ಶಾಮರಾವ್

I cant be sure if this is one of the worst books I've read. The story is an adventurous expedition by a set of 2 newly wed couples to one of the treacherous mountains in western ghats. They set out from Bangalore and check in to a hotel in Sakleshpur. Without even having a destination in mind, they dare to go see a hill top. From there, they see another hill top which appears to be close by and they decide to hike on that hill top. On the way, they cross a stream and lose valuable goodies like torch. After spending enormous time hiking, they realise the hill top is nowhere nearby and decide to return.

Now they lose track and lose the sight of the stream as they realise it all looks the same deep in the forest. They encounter some wild animals. They take shelter under a cave during the night and next day, find some jackfruits and mushrooms to eat. They are still unable to retrace and their phones dont work. Their folks from Bangalore are trying to contact them but in vein. 

Then they come across a temple and reside for the night. It rains on and off. One of them hold a gun. They want to kill some wild animals so they can eat them. In this attempt, they get attacked by a pack of wild dogs and one of the persons seem missing. They assume that the dogs ate him. There is no evidence of dogs eating the man but still they assume he is dead. His wife is in fits. She goes out frantically looking for him. The rest of them assume she is also dead. Then arrives the rescue team from the land. They give the 2 food and go out to look for 2 missing people. They realise that both are not dead and by chance of God survived the attacks. 

Review - My opinion is personal and should not bias the reader of this review. Its a very laborious book with repetition of same text for almost 50%. The author seems to cling to some sentences and keep them repeating almost of the pages. The thought process and perspectives of the characters seem to be same and repeat without progression. Still I finished the book to know what would happen to them. The story could be told in a short essay and if adopted for a film, it be over in 20 minutes but its a 180+ pages book. The author intends to educate the dangers of mountains to a non mountaineer. But that intent is lost. I could not imagine why someone wants to dare the nature without a single ounce of knowledge about mountains.