Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Fist of God - Frederick Forsyth

This book is a master thriller of Frederick Forsyth. Its set during the Persian Gulf war of 1991 in the similar lines as "The Afghan".

There was a scientist named Gerald Bull who envisioned launching a satellite with a super gun kind of artillery. He designs and develops the super gun through a project called Project Babylon in Iraq. The scientist is assassinated shortly after this development. This is a real story where the scientist lived and died. You can find his details here.

Iraq invades Kuwait. The officer Mike Martin who is dark in complexion and speaks Arabic can easily infiltrate to be Afghan. He is a SAS (A British special services unit of the Army) agent. US comes in to support Kuwait and free it from Saddam's rule. The world is unable to locate or identify the weaponry that Iraq is using. Mike Martin is called in and he passes in as an Afghan to detect the super gun that Saddam has employed.

In the mean time, CIA gets the word that there is a Mossad informer in Iraq called Jerico. Again now, Martin is called in and sent to Baghdad(Iraq). Mike works as a gardener in the house of a Soviet ambassador. Mike finally gets the information about the super gun from Jerico in exchange of a hefty money. But the information is useless as it takes someone on ground to point to the weapon so that it can be hit from the air as the gun as such is hidden and camouflaged. He travels to Vienna and deal with the Mossad.

There is a lot of treachery in the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein. There are gory references to torture and violence. Its intense.

Its a book thats like any other book of FF. Intense and spine chilling. Once you are on it, you can't stop till you finish or at least till you know who Jerico is. Mike Martin is kind at the same time powerful. His presence of mind saves him on occasions where is just about to die or be captured. A high adventure, high drama read. 

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